We give them ourselves We give them each other We give them roots We give them wings

We give them ourselves

We became a family because we were in love. But as the children came, it became easier to love them, than to love each other. There is nothing more secure for a child, than for him to have parents who love one another. Till death do us part, for better or for worse. Everyday, we are learning how to love each other again.

We give them each other

They have their good days and they have their bad days. We teach them, that they are each other’s best friends. Unlike the unconditional love they receive from us, they have to earn each other’s respect, and they do. They have learnt to live with each other – have fun, fight, patch up and play together again. We are proud of them.

We give them roots

My child first came to the world, with my blood in his. He may leave us one day, but our genes stay forever in his. He grows up in our world and according to our choices. One day he will choose his own world, and live with his own choices. We give him a past, so he knows, that he is not alone in history. He is part of a narrative from long ago, which has endured till now. He has value. He has great worth.

We give them wings

My child has but one life to live. He wants to be happy, and I want him to live it as a righteous man. Happiness takes hard work, and being righteous even harder work. We give him all that we can, not necessarily everything he needs. For his destiny is beyond us, and he has to find his own ways and his own answers.

Ingrained in each child - in his heart and the depths of his being - is a dream. This dream is that which the child desires to do, for it gives meaning to his life. Walk with us, as we help our children reach their destinies, and discover our own.

12th Nov 2012

Paper Model – In the Park

Recently, I found this paper model “In the Park” which I bought many years back.  I can’t even remember where I bought them from. There was no cutting or glueing...

07th Nov 2012

Celebrating the child for life

I wrote about Samuel’s mini performance at his kindergarten, and about how delighted and proud parents were of their children.  In turn, Samuel was so happy and excited to see...

07th Nov 2012

Samuel the Jolly Postman

Today Samuel did a little performance at his kindergarten. He was acting as Jolly Postman, who delivered a letter from Goldilocks to the ‘House of bear’. I must say that...

05th Nov 2012

Don’t waste my pain

Thank you Straits Times and Joyce Lim for the article “One gang fight, 2 broken mums” in the Sunday Times, yesterday. (Reproduced here on Jarkarta Globe) Thank you Mrs Ng...

29th Oct 2012

So my labours are not in vain

Miracles do happen. Tomorrow is Elias’ SA2 Science paper and he is studying for it.   Maybe I am happy over a very minor thing, and everyone’s children study.  But...

22nd Oct 2012

They are growing, and so must we

Aa part of his after PSLE activity, I got Elkan to read some of my books.  One book which I thought he might enjoy was Amy Chua’s Battle Hymn of...

15th Oct 2012

Love a child – Teach him to wash his hands

Sponsored Post One of the reasons I am thankful for my children is that they made me a more loving person.  Somehow when I fell in love with each of...

14th Oct 2012


前两天上了一个朋友的博客, 她的博客是以华文编写的。我爱上了她其中一篇文章 - 如果现在我是单身 我特别喜欢的一段是: 如果单身的话我就不会和大叔在一起就没有一个知心的人谈天说笑在生活中相互扶持我也不会有小宝不会经历怀孕生产当妈妈的奇妙感觉不会被自己的宝宝做出各种可爱的表情逗笑 我小时,家里是用华语沟通的。到了中学才开始每天以英语与同学们沟通。时间一久,华文便退步了。现在写这篇文章还得用Google Translator, 和到处请教朋友,真糟糕。 那我为什么要这么辛苦, 用华文写这篇文章呢? 那是因为读了我朋友的博客,提醒了我,华文是个多么美的语言啊! 精通一种语言便是为自己打开一扇门。可惜的是我这个母亲太懒惰了。老大, 老二 小时候, 没给他们的华文打好基础。就好比他们的课本所教的: 万丈高楼平地起。如果底部不稳固,基础打不好,房子迟早会倒的。(你说,多么有韵味的描述啊!) 现在才来要用华语与孩子们沟通好困难哦。要不是得应付考试,我早已放弃了。我这妈妈真是做得不够好! 真感激我们充满智慧的政府,硬硬要国人继续精通双语。救了我们这一家。 我们一家2010年到中国行知小学参加了亲子浸濡一行! 挺好玩的! 今天老大吃午餐时竟然说了一句华文。他说 : “吃饱了再说吧” 虽然只是简简单单的一句话,但是我好开心喔! 其实,努力教他们华文真的是会看得到成果的。 他们时不时会出乎我预料之外地用一些华文词汇。 比如当我与他们聊关于老师时,他们 竟然用:“宁可杀错,不可放过” 来形容他们老师的惩罚方式。 还有一次,我跟他们说...

12th Oct 2012

Hopes and dreams – Defining society for future generations

In a recent girls’ night out, a friend was asked this question – what are your hopes and dreams for your children?   My earlier post on “Allowing my child...

11th Oct 2012

The Ultimate Hawker Fest

We have been volunteers with Touch Community Services (TCS) since the children were little. Take the City Walk! (Although Samuel was pushed…) This was in 2007 and Samuel was not even...

05th Oct 2012

In memory of RSS SWECS

Yesterday I fell in love.  Today I said goodbye. This is our RSS SWECS, which we created out of cardboard, as part of Cardboard Dreams, hosted by Sarah of the...

04th Oct 2012

The Best Gift I have ever received

A week or two ago I had a pleasant surprise.  While looking through Elkan’s table, I found an activity sheet which he did at church.  The children were asked to...
