From a mummy’s heart



Once, in preparation for an interview on ‘Zao An Ni Hao’, I was asked this question: “What is one thing which you feel that a mother should do more of?”  My reply was that a mother needs to learn to love herself more.

Taking care of the children’s needs, surprisingly, came naturally to me.  It was surprising because I had never been a very affectionate or sacrificial person (my husband can testify to that!).  However, when the children came, I found that I was willing to lay down my life for them, and take care of their every need, whims and fancies and attend to them 24/7.  In fact, I relished motherhood so much that I did it three times and my only regret was having decided to stop at three.

I suspect that many mothers are the same – willing to pour out all their time and energy, youth and love into the lives of their children.  I know of many mothers who do much more, much better than me.

This column is dedicated to these mothers.  Mothers, you are special and you deserve love and appreciation from your husband, your children, and most of all, yourself.

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